The end of the crisis has revealed a wide range of strategies used by companies. Some have taken a cautious approach, while others have been very aggressive in stimulating demand and consumption and have succeeded in widening the gap.
In each sector (supermarkets, hypermarkets, real estate, cars, etc.), market leaders have emerged in a context of changing customer habits: more thoughtful consumption, growth of local e-commerce, selective return to shops, etc. Because they have been able to integrate these changes very quickly, they have adapted their communication strategies with messages and statements about more responsible consumption and lifestyle digital media strategies promoting proximity and local omni-channel assets (local e-commerce, click & collect, back to store, etc.)
During this period, these same advertisers have succeeded in deploying these new media strategies by breaking down the barriers to digitalisation:
- A single organisation to manage e-commerce and 'drive to store’ acquisition (previously opposed) to stimulate multi-channel and avoid cannibalisation between channels; in other words, the advertiser pilots its e-commerce and shop sales together in each specific catchment area.
- Involvement of local managers in these local digital strategies, by giving them access to digital tools, under the control of the company or brand.
Measuring the real impact of these strategies by piloting the right economic indicators (shopvisits, appointments, sales, etc.)
The amplification of offline investments thanks to the use of digital (and not substitution) to obtain the best performance in each territory.
These companies are emerging as winners from the crisis and are preparing for their return using a similar model, with continued investment in these strategies to maintain their competitive advantage.
Each sector of activity will see its market share redistributed from the start of the year. An opportunity that should be seized by all companies.