Guide d'utilisation à destination des magasins
Bienvenue sur votre page dédiée à l'activation digitale locale. Cette page a pour vocation de vous accompagner sur la commande de publicités digitales et de répondre à un maximum d'interrogations.
Pour demander votre accès, envoyez directement votre demande aux référents Fast Burger. Nous pourrons ainsi rassembler les informations administratives nécessaires à la création de vos établissements dans DeepReach afin de vous envoyer directement vos accès clés en main. A réception, vous disposez de seulement quelques jours pour valider votre compte et mot de passe personnel.
Les factures de chaque campagne sont envoyées 3 à 4 semaines avant leur lancement afin de faciliter l’étalement des paiements dans le temps.
2 modes de paiement :
The video below explains how to order your local campaigns:
You can start to use either DeepReach Catalog or DeepReach Multi-Local after a short onboarding from our team, so that you can evaluate properly the solution. Anyway, you won't be charged before your actually launch your 1st campaign.
No, DeepReach is a platform made for media traders, bringing automation and multi-local functionalities to make their work much more productive.
We don't do agency work. We don't manage the creative and we don't interfere with your clients' sites or the relationship with them. We are here to work with you and help your team as a partner.
Drive-to-Trust is a certification in France to guarantee that in-store visits are accurate. DeepReach doesn't activate this measurement directly but integrates partners to do so. All our partners have this certification.
The app doesn't have setup fees. The inscription to DeepReach is free.
Throughout the duration of the campaign, you will be able to track UTMs to campaigns. And you also have access to aggregated reports directly into the platform.
DeepReach invoices 30 days prior to the start of the operation month.
The minimum campaign budget is 200EUR.
The DeepReach Marketplace plan is perfect if you want your shops to order local campaigns directly. DeepReach Multi-Local is best if you prefer to keep control of all campaign launches.
Unfortunately, it is not possible. DeepReach requires upfront payment in order to credit the chosen media for distributing your campaign. They need to have the funds in advance of the campaign to ensure a smooth execution and placement of your ads.
To request your access, send your inquiries directly to your regional contacts. We can then gather the necessary administrative information to set up your establishments in DeepReach in order to send you your ready-to-use access details. Upon receipt, you have only a few days to validate your personal account and password.
Yes, you can view the results of ongoing or completed campaigns by going to the "reporting" tab on the platform.
1. Industrialise the launch of a large number of campaigns with customised set-ups. 2. A single platform to launch all your media campaigns 3. Make our data and knowledge available to advise you on the right media recommendation for your clients 4. Automate all low value tasks to optimise your traffic manager's working time. 5. A unique and consolidated reporting to follow your campaign. No need to manage a data studio for your clients. DeepReach is all you need!
No. If you have no campaign running, you have zero cost.
It can be, it depends on the volume brought.
This method of payment is preferred and essential in the Marketplace to ensure the regularity of campaigns, on many micro payments (LBO). On the other hand, in premium, depending on the overall campaign budget and your internal invoicing processes, it will be possible to use post-paid or to plan monthly collection payments.
If a provider offers a lower CPM than what you obtained for your campaign, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the distribution. With DeepReach, you benefit from a qualitative and closed distribution framework (a list of sites selected by us). We optimize campaigns for visibility to ensure that impressions are well seen (purchasing impressions at the top/middle of pages)."
The LIA has already been deployed on some large campaigns, but is not directly operable from the platform. It is therefore not advisable to sell it for the time being.
The performances reported are the data from the previous day, 00:00, so the update is daily. NB: it will take 24 to 48 hours for this data to be available, the time it takes for the media to connect its data to DeepReach.
A maximum if 5 working days when assets and payment have been done.
It depends on the sales person but, 24/48 hours can be enough
There are 3 payment methods: By Bank Transfer or Credit Card: upon receipt of each invoice, go to the redirection link to proceed with online payment. Direct Debit: the most recommended solution to simplify daily tasks and ensure each of your campaigns is broadcasted. Plan your strategy for the year and no longer worry about managing invoices. To subscribe, write directly to
If you wish to cancel an operation, send an email specifying the operations concerned to: This will only be possible 45 days prior to the month of the campaign in question.
There are no 100% Instagram campaigns. However, we automatically allocate a portion of the budget dedicated to Facebook to this platform, as they are directly connected.
John Doe